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It’s fair to say you would have seen Bee’s face pop up all over Instagram lately, and she is a familiar face on our website and social media accounts.

The first time I met Bee, I felt a little starstruck. Not only is Bee unique, beautiful and talented at what she does- she is also such a down to earth, gentle soul.  A total breathe of fresh air.

From that very first shoot, she has been our go to girl. 

Over the past year, I have done many shoots with the dream team- Bee, @ontheroadwithmelody and myself. Whether it’s diving into the freezing ocean, pouring water in her eyes or being nudged by her ponies on a shoot- Bee is always such a good sport and creates pure magic on set.

It never feels like work when shooting with those two.

I recently asked Bee if she would answer a few questions so you could all get to know the Bee behind the beauty, as this girl is far from just a pretty face…


How long have you been modelling for?

On and off for a while. But I would say properly 3 years. I've had a few instances of losing confidence in myself so I would quit and I've only really stuck with it now because I'm managing myself and only doing jobs I believe in, jobs that suit me.

How did you get into modelling?

Haha I'll try make this one short...  I originally did all those courses when I was 16 learning all the basics and catwalk etc and then mum spent a tonne of money with the agency thing ( total scam) and then I quit because it was going nowhere and was constantly being told that curves aren't in, blondes aren't in etc. then when I was 21 I moved to Germany for a year got a job and then kinda fell back into modelling and got my confidence back up then came home didn't get any work then a few months later a friend encouraged me to come along to Milan and give modelling another shot... so I did,  3 wild months later came home and swore off modelling... until late 2015 @ontheroadwithmelody stumbled across me and wanted to shoot and I agreed reluctantly at the time but after that one shoot I have stuck with it. I had never been photographed in such a real way and loved every single photo ( which never ever happens) and she was the sweetest person ( which also restored my faith in the industry) . After that shoot, slowly the work started rolling in and I realised how many talented, real and generally nice creatives there are (especially in Byron) and I feel super lucky I get to work with a lot of them. :)

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

Gee I don't know .... maybe that I don't colour my hair at all or I don't own a hairdryer or anything like that. I hate doing things with my hair haha 

Just how many ponies do you have now?!

18 haha ...5 little white Shetlands ( the oldest is 36 ( her name is silvie; mum was 25 when she bought her and Silvie was 5) and the other 4 are her babies over the last 30 years. And then 9 little welsh mountain ponies who we rescued a few years ago and 2 of them had foals recently and then 2 bigger horses that my mum and I go trail riding on. So yeah, 18 it's a lot but we have so much land, so why not!? ( but seriously won't be getting any more for a very long time!!) 

What brings you the greatest satisfaction?

The simplest things, swimming in the ocean, playing with ponies, family picnics...rainy days spent in bed watching old movies. 

What is the best advice you've been given?

I don't know if anyone's actually given me advice or if they have I wasn't listening but if I were to give advice it would be to embrace your weirdness or differences. Don't try to fit or be anyone other than yourself :) 

Where would you love to visit in 2017?

I would love to visit the Maldives but I don't think that will happen. I've got a few ideas up in the air at the moment. Maybe visit some friends back in Munich and then maybe go to Hawaii with Matt. Nothing set in stone yet unfortunately. 

What's your worst pet peeve?

So many! But one would have to be when my body or face get so photo-shopped I can barely recognise myself. I would rather you book that skinnier girl with no freckles. It's really frustrating because there are plenty of beautiful girls out there. I don't post any photos of myself if they don't look like the real me. 

What's your favourite 90s hit?

Dreams- the cranberries 

What did you do last night?

Matt and I rode our bikes down to this new little Japanese restaurant in Kingscliff then rode home and fell asleep to some murder doco

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